The Fourteenth edition of PMIDAY has taken place today, Friday 17 November 2023.
It has been an intense and emotional day for the students of Liceo Artistico “Antonio Canova” and Istituto
Tecnico Tecnologico Statale Guglielmo Marconi, two important high schools of our territory.
This initiative aims to provide students with a hands-on experience of the world of work by spending a day
in our company.
Each year, a specific topic is addressed, and this year it could only be freedom – a value of increasing
importance in a time of great instability and conflict. Freedom is understood as the opportunity for young
people to choose and build their future, maintaining their uniqueness and, thanks to education, developing
the skills that will guide them towards a path of success and satisfaction.
A special thanks to Confindustria for their commitment and professionalism in organizing the event, as well
as to the teachers of the involved high schools for their availability and interest in such initiatives. See you
at the next edition!